11月20日參加 雲霧中的鳳凰山下 由國立鳳凰谷鳥園主辦 ●樂活遊活動●
一早抵達麒麟潭畔 雲霧迷漫 選擇先登麒麟山走一回 覽盡鳳凰谷湖光山色
12月3.4.10.11日還有 ●風生水起● 與 ●賞鳥品茗饗天籟● 活動等著我們
歸途順道拜訪公職退休隱居山林 書法家●林木村夫婦●
Leann Rimes - Together. Forever. Always
Life can put distance between us
Days even years could pass on
But the love that lies between us
Will always be worth holding on
Together forever always
From the dawn 'till the end of each day
No matter how far away you are
We're together forever always
I could try to forget you
But the memories keep lingering on
And the dreams I dream about you
They always keep me holding on
Together forever always
From the dawn 'till the end of each day
No matter how far away you are
We're together forever always
Together forever always
From the dawn 'till the end of each day
No matter how far away you are
We're together forever always
Together forever always
From the dawn 'till the end of each day
No matter how far away you are
We're together forever always