瑞典國寶級陶藝家〝Lisa Larson和女兒Jhanna〞
以她的經典作品〝Stora Zoo〞系列的Katt貓為
放大超乎常理的尺寸 透過牠那自傲又睥睨一切的神情
帶我們以不同的視角 重新穿梭於台灣城市巷弄之間
巨貓Mikey 10月初出沒在台北華山文創園區及紅樓
任由創作塗鴉 替Mikey換新裝
朋友們 有興致嗎
When I Dream- Carol kidd
I could build a mansion
that is higher than the trees
I could have all the gifts I want
and never ask please
I could fly to Paris
it's at my beck and call
Why do I live my life alone
with nothing at all
But when I dream
I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true
When I dream
I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true
I can be the singer
or the clown in every room
I can call up someone
to take me to the moon
I can put my makeup on
and drive the men insane
I can go to bed alone
and never know his name
But when I dream
I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true
When I dream
I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true